
Corporations have religion now?

The Supreme Court Hobby Lobby decision is astounding in its breadth. Not only did it deliver a killing blow to the Obama administration’s promise of universal contraceptive coverage, but as Rep Nancy Pelosi points out  SCOTUS took an outrageous step against women’s rights, setting a dangerous precedent that permits corporations to choose which laws to obey. Allowing CEOs to...

Marijuana, e-cigarettes and teens

In the past year, my staff and I have seen a dramatic increase in use of both marijuana and electronic cigarettes among our patients, consistent with nationwide trends.  As a result, we now include very specific questions about their use on our intake forms as well as in our patient interviews. Marijuana use has been on the rise among...

Mammogram recommendations

There are so many conflicting recommendations out there right now, it is hard to know what to do. I get a lot of questions about this and thought I’d review what information there is out there. The most conservative recommendations out there are those from the American Cancer Society (2012) and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Yearly...

The heartbreak of Herpes

So let’s start with Herpes type 1. It is estimated that 50-60% of Americans are infected and about 50% are asymptomatic carriers. Usually type 1 is found orally and is usually contracted in childhood from exposure to an infected adult through nonsexual contact. However, if you don’t already have Herpes 1, you can get it genitally from oral sex...

Do I Look Normal?

Why are women suddenly insecure about the way their labia look? I have to wonder if this has come about as pubic hair removal has become more widespread and more dramatic. Twenty years ago a bikini wax was just enough to remove the hair that might peak past your bathing suit bottom. Now most women choose to remove all...

Cold weather is coming and so are roofies

Victims will have gone out with a bunch of friends to a bar where they feel safe ….not a dive, not a loud/dark music venue, but a neighborhood bar or an upscale cocktail place. She will remember some cute guy, saying good bye to her friends, and not feeling particularly drunk. The rest is a blank until she wakes...